ADENE is a non-profit organization, with administrative and financial autonomy. It was created by decree no 147/84 in 1984 and attached to the Portuguese Ministry of Industry and Energy. ADENE has offices in Alfragide (Lisbon Area), Oporto and Guarda.
Organization Chart
Foster and develop strategic, technological, economic and environmental actions that contribute to the implementation of the national energy policy regarding energy conservation, efficient energy use, and valorization of energy resources
ADENE employs 53 full time collaborators working in five departments:
- Industry and Trans-sectoral Technologies Department
- Building and Certification Department
- New and Renewable Energy resources Department
- Marketing and External Relations Department
- Financial and Administrative Department
ADENE departments handle efficient utilization in industry, buildings and transport as well as all kinds of renewable energy sources and technologies related to energy utilization and environment.
ADENE staff is highly qualified and its members include graduate and post-graduate specialists in engineering, economics, management, environment, information technologies, marketing and communications.
ADENE provides a wide range of services which include:
- Structural and strategic research and projects that define strategic policies, action plans
- Market assessments, analysis of technological and energetic characteristics of regions and economic sectors including energy audits in industry and services sectors
- Technical consultancy on efficient energy and renewable energies, including the identification of opportunities and technical support to the implementation of energy investment projects
- Assistance in the implementation and management of energy programmes and evaluation of energy legislation and regulations
- Support to energy market operators (regional and local energy agencies, companies, etc) aimed at improving energy use, promoting better co-ordination of activities and increasing investments in energy efficiency and renewables energies
- Development of educational and training programmes, as well as all kinds of promotional activities
Main partners of ADENE include the Portuguese Government – through the Directorate – General for Energy, the Institute for the Support to SMEs and the National Incentive Schemes (PEDIP and Energia programmes) – the public energy utilities and the European Commission, through DGXVII and DGXII programmes, Municipalities, industrial associations, private companies are also important partners of ADENE.
Know How
Several general and specific studies carried out by the centre with a view to defining strategies and plans of action for an efficient use of energy, and the development of renewable energies.
A wide-ranging research on schemes for the implementation of policies aiming at a more efficient use of energies and their valorization.
Technical Evaluation & Programme Management
In Portugal, energy technology support programmes are managed or co-ordinated by Public Administration bodies. However, ADENE provides a full range of promotional activities, advisory services and technical assistance to all economic agents interested in the submission of proposals to National and European programmes, e.g. Energia and Thermie.
Through specific technical evaluations and energy audits ADENE contributes to monitoring and assessing the results of actions and projects supported by public funds
Technology Transfer
ADENE is responsible at the national level for the support and the dissemination and exchange of information in the rational use of energy and renewable energy sources.
The range of activities ADENE is involved in includes the OPET Network and the Information Exchange Networks in the framework of SAVE and ALTENER.
ADENE also participates at a governmental initiative aimed at raising awareness about the need for energy saving and the creation of energy agencies at municipal level.
Dissemination activities include the organisation of more than one hundred events and the spreading out of publications for the last 4 years.
Mr. Luis Silva: Head of Marketing and External Relations Department.
Address: Estrada de Alfragide, Praceta 1, P-2720 Alfragide
Phone: +351 1 472 2800, 472 2840
Fax: +351 1 472 2898
E-mail : [email protected]