CRES Greece



The Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES) is the Greek national centre for Renewable Energy Sources (RES), Rational Use of Energy (RUE) and Energy Saving (ES). CRES was instituted as the national coordination centre in its areas of activity by Law 2244/94 and Law 2702/99, Art.11.
CRES was founded in September 1987 by Presidential Decree 375/87. It is a public entity, supervised by the Ministry of Development, General Secretariat of Research and Technology, and has financial and administrative independence.

Human Resources


Its main goal is the promotion of RES/RUE/ES applications at a national and international level, as well as the support of the related activities taking into consideration the environmental impact, in the production and use of energy.
It has participated in more than 600 European, international and national projects related to:

  • Applied research and development projects
  • Demonstration projects
  • Energy policy analysis
  • Development of energy information systems and models
  • Sustainable investments studies
  • Technical and economic studies
  • Investments management
  • Promotion for the use of RES/RUE/ES
  • Market surveys
  • Co-operation development with public and private bodies, on national, European and international level

Organization Chart

Financial Resources

The organisational structure of CRES is composed of the following basic units:

Division of Energy Policy
Division of Renewable Energy Sources
Division of Energy Saving
Division of Energy Information Systems, Dissemination & Market Development
Financial and Administrative Management Division
Quality Assurance Office

CRES’ funding is mainly provided by National, European and International projects, as well as projects realised on behalf of industry, hotel sector, construction sector, energy projects, etc.


CRES has a scientific staff of more than 120 highly experienced and specialised scientists, and engineers.

Target Groups

  • National, regional and local stakeholders
  • Consumers
  • Governmental and Non-governmental organisations
  • Suppliers, developers and investors
  • Industry
  • Research institutes

Examples of Products & Services

Products & Services

  • Strategic studies for dissemination in the fields of RES/ RUE/ES
  • Promotion activities such as organisation of conferences, workshops, technical meetings, publication of brochures leaflets, announcements, proceedings, production of electronic material
  • Dissemination of information to enterprises and specialised bodies on energy matters including the results of research and development of new technologies
  • Provision of support to regional and local energy centres in the implementation of their activities
  • Establishing and strengthening CRES’international contacts
  • Design, implementation and evaluation of specialised training programmes (both short and long term)
  • Development and management of databases with information on energy sectors, energy statistics and energy maps
  • Development and management of energy models and computer methods for the penetration of new energy technologies into the energy system
  • Creation of energy information services infrastructure

CRES co-operates with other institutes, organisations, universities, consultants, international organisations (such as the IEA, UNESCO, ISES, PLEA, IEC, CEN, etc), while it is an active member of various European and international networks, such as the EnR, MEDENER, EUFORES, OPET, EUREC Agency, etc. It also participates in and provides support for the promotion of the activities of various professional/scientific societies, such as the Greek Solar Industries Association, the Greek Small Hydro Association, ESIF, the Greek CHP Association, the Greek Renewable Energies Forum (ELFORES), etc.



Mr. Kostas TIGAS
Director of Energy Information Systems,
Dissemination & Market Development Division
e-mail: [email protected]

Address: 19th km Marathonos Av.
19009 Pikermi, Greece
Phone: +30 210 6603 300
Fax: +30 210 6603 301/2
e-mail: [email protected]