APRUE is the national institution, responsible for the promotion and implementation of the energy policy. Its principal role is the coordination and the monitoring of the energy conservation policy (national programme for energy conservation, national funds for energy conservation, inter-sectoral committee for energy conservation) and the organization of partnerships for the elaboration and submission of proposals and implementation of concerted programs in every sector.

Services & Activities
APRUE mission is organized in three levels:
Economic and planning framework
- Inventory of energy consumption, its evolutional trends and significant indicators.
- Realization of studies of prospective exploration of energy demand; evaluation of the energy potential and the necessary investments.
- Overall planning for energy conservation, coordination and monitoring of the national energy conservation programme (in combination with the national programme for climatic change).
- Evaluation of programmes.
Know-how and promotion framework
- Organization and promotion of the appropriate information for the development of energy conservation.
- Training in Algeria and abroad
Mounting of sectoral programs and projects in partnership
- Elaboration of programme and project proposals in partnerships, taking into consideration technical, economic, environmental and financial dimensions.
Organization Chart

APRUE is managed by a General Director assisted by 5 Directions:
- Communication Direction
- Direction of Planning & Programmin
- Direction of Sectoral Activities
- Direction for Environment & Sustainable Energy
- Administrative and Financial Direction
Financial Resources
National funds for energySelf-financing: energy studies, energy audits and trainingInternational financing, in particular from European Union, bilateral co-operation and international organizations.

Target Groups
Partners of the energy sector in Algeria are represented in the six groups, one for each sector of energy consumption (industrial, domestic, tertiary sector, transport, agriculture, …)
- Public authorities,
- Companies providing goods and services associated with the energy sector,
- Energy users,
- Energy companies,
- Financing organizations,
- Market actors and NGOs representatives

Mohamed Salah BOUZERIBA, General Director
Tel.: ++ 213 21 60 31 32
e-mail: [email protected]
– Amina Mounira LAREDJ, Head of the International Co-operation Department
Tel.: ++ 213 21 24 46
e-mail: [email protected]
Fax: ++ 213 21 48 25 68
APRUE web site: www.aprue.org.dz