The Palestinian Energy and Environment Research Center (PEC) was established in December 1993 in Jerusalem following President Yasser Arafat’s decision and with the support of SYNERGY Program of the EU.
PEC is a national independent organization dealing with issues of energy, environment, renewable energy sources, and energy conservation

The main aim of PEC is to foster the development of renewable energies, rational use of energy and energy conservation in Palestine, to provide the Palestine National Authority with the required information and data for formulating the general policy regarding the energy sector and with technical consultancy.
Organization Chart

Financial Resources
PEC has a board of trustees of 21 members elected annually out of which 5 members form the Board of Directors.
PEC has an Executive General Manager along with two Divisions:
a) Technical Division dealing with:
Renewable energies: solar energy, wind energy, Biomass and wastes.
Residential commercial and Industries energy conservation.
Rural electrification
b) Financial and Administrative Division
The operating costs of PEC are covered by the budget allocated to the Center by the European Commission through bilateral protocols and by the funds raised through international cooperation.
The programmes and projects identified by PEC and its partners are financed by various donors through bilateral protocols ratified by the Palestinian National Authority and the concerned international partners.
The Center receives funding through different Euro-Mediterranean programmes that are financed by the EC like THERMIE, SYNERGY, JOULE, and other donors.
PEC has started to get some income by generating activities the center is doing such as technical assistance to villages and municipalities.

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Currently, there are around 25 employees on the staff of PEC.
Most of them have technical qualifications of high degree in subjects relating to energy, renewable energy sources and economics.
They have wide experience in different energy technologies including:
- Energy efficiency and energy diversification in residential and services.
- Mini Hydro
- Solar, thermal and passive Energy
- Wind Energy
- Photovoltaics
- Water technologies
- Biomass and solid waste
- Combined heat and power

Studies & Research
PEC provides consultancy and support to PNA in implementing the plans and projects of energy sector in order to satisfy the above mentioned aims.
Following are the studies and research that PEC has completed:
- Supply and demand for Petroleum in Palestine
- Evaluation of Oil Shale in Palestine
- Evaluation of the Rock Wool in Palestine
- Evaluation of Renewable Energy Sources in Palestine
- Electrical Regional Interlinking Study
- Natural Gas Study * Environmental Pollution Due to Transportation Sector
- Strategy for the Promotion of European Technologies in Palestine under THERMIE programme.
- Information Dissemination to Palestinian Industry of EC Member States’ Clean and Energy Efficient Technologies under THERMIE programme.
- Renewable Energy Assessment for Palestine
- Pre-feasibility Study for the Integration of Renewable Energies for Electricity Production in the Southern Mediterranean Countries (INTERSUDMED)
- Feasibility Study for the Power System in Nablus and the North of West Bank. Furthermore, there are many studies concerning environmental issues, pollution and recycling of waste water. These studies are conducted in cooperation with the municipalities of Gaza, Rafah, Jenin, Jericho, Tulkarem and Qalgilia

The center is coordinating with all the Palestinian Ministries and national institutions, and implementing many projects in Palestine.
Among these projects are :
Products & Services
- Electrification of Isolated Communities, Isolated Clinics, Medical centers and agricultural farms by Solar Energy.
- Electrification of Remote Villages
- Energy Conservation & Demand Side Management at Taiba and Sika Villages
- The Training and Awareness Unit project.
- Energy Research Station Project.

Nabeel Tinah: Acting General Director
Jerusalem, Beit Hanina P.O. Box 51791
Nablus, Rafidia street – Nablus – Palestine
Phone: (972) (09) 384803/4/5
Fax: (972) (09) 23441388
E-mail: [email protected]
URL : home.palnet.com/~perc