A.N.M.E. is a public organization, created in 1985, under the supervision of the Ministry for Industry, Energy and small and medium-sized enterprises.
Services & Activities
The mission of ANME is the implementation of the State policy in the field of energy conservation through the promotion of renewable energy, energy efficiency and clean technologies for all the energy resources and in various sectors, for consumers benefit.
Fields of intervention:
Towards a sustainable development prospect ANME undertakes all the initiatives and actions relating to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions due to the use of energy:
- Participation in the development and the implementation of the national programmes for energy conservation
- Realization of exploitation and strategic studies
- Preparation of the institutional framework and the fiscal and financial incentives for the energy sector
- Supportive actions concerning public awareness, information, education and training for renewable energy and rational use of energy
- Realization of research, development and demonstration projects
- Support of the development and the reliability of renewable energy and energy efficiency industry in Tunisia.
Organization Chart
ANME is directed by a General Manager assisted by 4 Directions and 4 departments:Direction for the Rational Use of EnergyDirection of Renewable EnergyDirection of Studies and PlanningDirections of Programming, Monitoring and DevelopmentDepartment of International Co-operationDepartment of Promotion, Information and Public RelationsAdministrative and Financial departmentDepartment of Legal Affairs and Procedures
Human Resources
ANME employs one hundred people; approximately 50% are executives (engineers and managers).
Financial Resources
- State budget Allowances
- International financing in the form of donations and credits
Target Groups
Products & Services
Energy consumers (industrial, tertiary and transport sectors)
Local communities
Actors in the field of research and development
Primary, secondary education, universities
Studies on the rational use of energy and the use of renewable energyInventories on greenhouse gases and studies on the interactions “Energy – Environment”Elaboration of programmes for the reduction of the emissions due to the consumption of energy.
Rational use of energy
- Conduct of obligatory and periodic energy audits
- Promotion of energy efficient and environmental friendly equipment
- Technical assistance to small and medium enterprises
- Realization of projects concerning legislative issues, standards and the promotion of new technologies
- Elaboration and management of projects aiming at the substitution and the optimization of energy resources
Renewable Energy
Promotion of renewable energy while ensuring balance between economic interest, quality of life and environmental protection:
- Promotion of PV systems for the electrification of decentralized rural areas
- Development of the solar water heaters for the production of hot water for domestic use
- Energy valorization of the biomass and optimization of the use of firewood
- Development of wind power
- Subsidies for investments
- Financial assistance for the realization of audits
- Tax advantages
- Technical assistance
Information Services
- Organization of training activities aiming at the target groups
- Realization of media campaigns for energy consumer.
- Planning and conducting activities aiming at public awareness
- Organization of symposiums, exhibitions, seminars and information events
- Implementation of a programme for environmental education
Mohamed Ezzedinne Khalfallah
General Director
3, 8000 Street, Montplaisir, 1002 Tunis – Belvedere
LP 213 – Tunisia
Tel.. : 216 – 71 – 787 700
Fax: 216 – 71 – 784 624
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]